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When grilling pork belly, it is important to allow enough time for the fat to cook until the skin is crisp and the meat soft and juicy.


1 kg pork belly
1 tbsp Vegeta No MSG Grill
1 tbs lard
200 g mlinci pasta

We used

Vegeta NO MSG Grill

Vegeta NO MSG Grill

Preparation For this recipe you only need imagination!

Medium complexity 5 Persons min

  • 1 Pour Vegeta marinade with beer over the pork belly and leave to marinate for about 30 minutes. Grill the pork on moderate grill, turning the meat over until the skin is nice and crisp.
  • 2 Add the mlinci pasta to a pot of boiling water, cook for one minute and leave for a couple of additional minutes to soak. Drain through a sieve. Melt a little lard in a frying pan, add the pasta and stir. Season with salt and pepper to taste.