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You can also strain the spaghetti (without rinsing them completely), mix them into the sauce and stir for a few more minutes.


50 ml Extra virgin olive oil
60 g of onion
1 Podravka tomato puree (500 g)
2 Eva Tuna fillets in vegetable oil (2X115 g)
50 g black olives
1 tablespoon of capers
1 tablespoon Vegeta Mediterranean
1 teaspooon of sugar
100 ml white wine
350 g Podravka Spaghetti
Grated sheep's cheese or Parmesan

We used



Preparation For this recipe you only need imagination!

Simple 4 Persons 15 min

  • 1 Fry chopped onion in a pan on the lightly heated oil, then add tomato puree. When boiling, add sugar and Vegeta Mediterranean. Pour in the wine and let it simmer gently.
  • 2 Add strained tuna, olives and capers, and season with salt and pepper, if needed.
  • 3 Cook the spaghetti in a large amount of boiling, slightly salted water, then rinse them. Pour the prepared sauce over the spaghetti, sprinkle with grated sheep's cheese, decorate with basil leaves and serve.